Friday, November 23, 2012

Beauty School: Roses are Red... And in a lot of your Beauty Products!

Hi everyone,
This Beauty School post is all about the flower of the moment: roses!
The color, scent, and vitamin properties of the rose make it ideal for use in beauty products and pampering routines. Roses' beauty and utility has been well-known for centuries and centuries. In ancient times, alchemists used roses "for purgatives, astringents, and tonics, to treat chronic lung diseases," and more.¹ Today, roses continue to be admired for their timeless beauty, fragrance, and symbolism.
Here is a breakdown of the anatomy of a rose and the many uses of its parts:
  • Rosebuds are particularly high in vitamin C and astringent tannins.
  • Rose extract is used in many fragrances, cosmetics, and skin conditioners.
  • Rose oil is common in perfumes, toilet waters and ointments.
  • Rose water is "used as a perfume in emollients, eye lotions, and freckle lotions." Rose water is an amazing skin refresher and can help reduce signs of aging and wrinkles.
  • Rose hips are also used in many food products and are used medicinally to relieve colds and constipation.
The striking pigment of red roses makes it a great red lip and cheek stain as well. Have you ever used any of these popular "rosy" cosmetics?
1. Benetint by Benefit Cosmetics / 2. Diptyque Rose Candle / 3. Smith's Rosebud Salve

DIY Skincare: Smoothie Mask

Hi everyonee,

Whenever I'm traveling, I try to pick up new beauty tips and tricks from the unique places I visit. For example, I learned about today's DIY skincare recipe while visiting Thailand!
I love how easy this smoothie mask is to make, and the way it naturally brightens your skin's complexion.
To make this mask, you'll need two simple ingredients:

1 papaya
1/2 fresh pineapple


Cut up both fruits into small pieces and toss everything into a juicer (like you're making a smoothie!). Once that's finished blending, use a cotton pad to soak up the mixture and apply it on your face and neck.

Leave the juice on your skin for 10 minutes and then rinse it off. The acid from the fruits will help turn over and brighten your skin's complexion.

This concoction is also very healthy to drink (just don't drink the mask after you wore it; make a new batch!).

Good luck everyoneeeee!

<3 Mindy

Beauty Police: Blue Lipstick?!

Hi makeup lovaaahh,

Brace yourself for some smurf-tastic blue lips...

The following pictures are from designer Lemoniez's Madrid Fashion Week show:

Cool or crazy?? What do you guys think of this? Do you think this could ever be pulled off off the catwalk? And if you could, what would you name this lipstick? Haha I have so many questions about this look! Tell me what you think in the comments belooooow. :D

<3 Mindy

Beauty Police: Eyebrow Tattoos


Hi everyone,
Invisible eyebrows are definitely a weird brow trend, but how about eyebrow tattoos?
Permanent and semi-permanent brow tattoos are becoming more and more well-known brow maintenance procedures. Think permanent makeup more so than a tattoo that you would see anywhere else on the body. The photo below is an example of a finished brow tattoo look from Browhaus, which does a popular "Brow Resurrection" procedure.
The benefits of getting your brows tattooed are that they would help with any pigmentation issues and would fill in any gaps or sparse places. Some of the downsides are that the ink color would fade over time, it isn't cheap, and it's a tattoo - you can't remove it with eye makeup remover if you change your mind.
I don't know too much about them, but I like to alter my eyebrow shape for various looks, so this idea probably isn't for me. If you were to go through with this, you'd have to be pretty set with what you wanted not only in terms of your eyebrow shape, size and arch, but also in terms of the hair on the top of your head... You wouldn't want to commit to a crazy dark color and then decide to color your hair something radically different!
What do you think about all of this? Do or don't? And how does it compare to invisible eyebrows?
Tell me what you think in the comments!

<3 Mindy

Walkie Talkie with Mark Foster!

Hi all! I love all about Mark Foster! y'know, he is the singer and keyboarder of foster the people! yeaayyy! And this is the walkie talkie with Mark foster! check it out!

FrontRow: You said your father gave you the idea to move out to LA or NY to pursue your music. If that conversation hadn’t happened, do you think you would have found music as a career?
MF: No, I don’t know. I don’t know if I would have. Before [my dad and I] had that conversation [about moving to Los Angeles] I didn’t really think that was possible. It just never crossed my mind as something possible to do. When he said that it was so empowering and it opened up my eyes to the possibility of doing that and following your passion you know. And after a year in LA I had this moment where I was like ok you know what I can do this. I have to go all in. I can’t have a backup plan and I need to commit to doing this whether I’m homeless or I’m successful. And I knew if I had that type of attitude I’d be successful. I gave myself 10 years.
FR: It’s been said many times that your fans don’t always understand what they’re singing along to with your songs, and that they might not even care. Does it matter to you that they understand the meaning behind your music or are you satisfied with them solely enjoying the sound?
MF: No, no either way. I think people listen to music in two different ways. Some people don’t listen to lyrics at all, and that’s fine, people can pick and choose. You know, I’m not going to change the way people listen to music. It’s just how you are.
FR: On that note, “Pumped Up Kicks” could not have more hype on its hands. When a single song gets that big, would you prefer to keep all the hype on that one song or would you rather distribute it equally out to your other songs?
MF: [Laughs] You know, I’d rather it spread around, and I think it is. But there’s always that one song that’s the gatekeeper to other music. There are a lot of bands in history that I can name that have that one song that breaks them open and lets people listen to their other stuff. That’s what “Pumped Up Kicks” is for us.
FR: You just said in Rolling Stone online article that “Pumped Up Kicks” is “a ‘f**k you’ song to the hipsters in a way– but it’s a song the hipsters are going to want to dance to.” Define what you think a hipster is and why you say that song is basically flipping them off?
MF: No, I mean to me there’s a lot of cool things about the hipster culture, but the negative things really bother me. And the negative things are just pretention. You know I feel like hipsters, like deep down, when you look past the clothes, the fashion sense, whatever, deep down they’re just critics. They’re critics of everything: critics of fashion, critics of art, and critics of movies. And it’s pretentious. And when it comes to music I think a big part of that culture feels like they are the voice for everybody else. And a lot of times they’re full of sh*t.
FR: You started off as a solo artist, and now you are in a band. Would you ever go back to doing your own thing?
MF: Yeah sure I mean ya know. I can speak for myself and I’m sure I can speak for the other guys, we’re going to be in music for the rest of our lives and I’m sure it’s not always going to be this project so…definitely. But I guess the hardest thing about being in a band is that you know you‘re basically automatically family and sometimes you don’t have the benefit of growing up together and knowing about the quirks and what drives people crazy or what their needs are. And then you’re in a situation where you see each other 24 hours a day 7 days a week and you have to work that stuff out. I can’t imagine doing this with some of the bands I used to play. It would have just been awful. But we’re all really good communicators and good friends and we’ve got a good chemistry together so it works.
 sooooooo, how cool is heee?! If you love Mark Foster too, comment below! ;)

<3 Mindy

Back to School: Makeup Dos & Don'ts

Hi everyoneee!

I've gotten a lot of requests about makeup looks that are good for school, so I thought I'd pass along some tips for today's blog. When I was in high school, I just stuck to mascara and lip gloss; simple and sophisticated. What kind of looks do you like for school?
Here are some quick makeup dos and don'ts to keep in mind as you get ready to head back to school this fall:
Do: Look fresh and awake while staying true to yourself and your style.
1. Keep it light, soft & subtle – Keeping your makeup natural and effortless will help to avoid looking overdone, and also speeds up your morning routine. We all need our beauty rest, so keep it simple!
2. Brighten up tired eyes & dark circles – Peach and neutral shades on your eyes can camouflage an all-nighter study session, or you can always try the potato trick to reduce bagginess. Even a little concealer will help brighten up dark circles no matter how much/little sleep you get.
3. Consider time – Long-lasting foundation is good for school because you're going to be spending a lot of time in class and don't want to have to keep touching up. Setting your foundation with a powder will help keep your foundation matte, too.
4. Consider summer – You probably just spent a bunch of time in the sun, so when it comes to shade/tone for foundation, think about how your color may have changed. Your skin might be a couple shades darker so accommodate with your foundation. You want to avoid that ghost face faux pas.
5. Redefine your window frames – Fill in your natural brows with a pencil that is two shades lighter for darker hair or two shades darker for lighter hair.
6. Lip stain markers – Stains are good for a natural look and last longer than normal lipstick. You can also never go wrong with your favorite shiny lip gloss, just be sure to keep it in your bag for touch ups!
Don't: Overdo it and try to look older than you actually are.
1. Wear loud colors – Really bright eye shadow combinations can be distracting and a little over-the-top for a day at school. If you want to add a pop of color, try it in smaller proportions like blue eyeliner on the lower lash line or a brighter lip stain.
2. Pile it on – Applying too much makeup everyday for school can be difficult to maintain and can actually become really expensive. If you want to change your look 1 or 2 days out of the week try something different with your eyeliner or add a pop or color every once in a while.
3. Forget about skincare – Whatever your morning routine looks like, you shouldn't forget this important step. Cleansing and moisturizing your face before you put your makeup on is important for healthy skin and a youthful glow.
I think it's important to embrace your youthful beauty, but at the end of the day, it really depends on your style. Stick to whatever you feel comfortable and beautiful wearing, and don't forget to be confident!

What back to school tips can you share? Leave them in the comments below. :)
<3 Mindy